Wednesday, May 7, 2008

sum it up!!

I'm not sure where to start from and where to end this.. If you here looking for some philosophical insight, something where to get to justify a part of your life, I'm sorry you are at the wrong place. This is where I tell you, or atleast I try to tell you something that you should know. Its JESUS..

If you believe in God, then you surely know about good and evil and ofcourse the devil. There is a Heaven and there is a hell. NOW, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS: THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GET TO HEAVEN AND THAT IS THROUGH JESUS and no other. He is Son of God, the Prince of Peace and only true GOD!!

Jesus is more than God, He can be your best friend and He wants to be, He loves you more than anyone in this world does or ever can. Dear friend, whoever you are, you might be going through a rough patch in life, you might be feeling all alone and depressed or you might be feeling high with no regard fo my words, but let me tell you Jesus Loves you, He died so that you could live and that too forever. You are a sinner, whether you accept it or not. The Bible says, All men are born sinners. Then there are the sins that we commit in our lives, and you can't wash it off in a river, be it the ganges or the mississippi.. This is no myth, this is the truth, Jesus alone died for you, He died but He dint disappear, He rose again, He is now in Heaven waiting for you to believe in Him, He waiting for you to accept Him into your life.

I can never convince you about Jesus being alive and being the True and Only GOD. But you can ask yourself if any one else would even think about dying for you, for your sins, so that you could live. Just take a minute, and say out to Him, to reveal himself to you if He does exist. He will..because HE LIVES!!!He isnt dead, He's alive. Give your problems over to Him, He is more than enough!! He loves you and wants you to have eternal life.

If you are convinced, just pray to Him, "Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for me. Please forgive my sins and cleanse me with your blood. I welcome you to my heart, make me your child. Help me to live for you"

God bless you friend..

check out this video(part of a series - hell is real..)

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